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Tools API


 configureReduxDevTools(options? : any)

Configures redux devtools. Note we don't recommend enabling dev tools in production because of memory consumption and the cost of creating a separate copy of state on each action. The options are described in the devtools documentation. Of these options only the following should be used:

  • name in case you have multiple instances you wish to identify separately
  • latency to avoid storing a state when actions are fired at close time intervals
  • maxAge to set the maximum number actions stored
  • features - to set particular features

This must be called prior to creating observable options



Called to set the @@INIT state. Normally would be called after setting up an initial state or after the call to persist


interface LogLevels {    propertyChange : boolean    render: boolean;    propertyTracking : boolean}
setLogLevel(levels : Partial<LogLevels>)

Sets the logging level globally for the application:

  • render logs the rendering of each functional component along with the number of renders thus far. Note that with React.StrictMode, now enabled by default in Create React App, you will see the render number go up in increments of two because an extra render occurs in development mode to weed out errors in side effects. '''ListItem render (2)'''

  • propertyTracking logs each property that a component renders react-start ListItem Observer tracking ListController.selectedItem, StyleController.todoListStyle, TodoListStyle.listFontColor, TodoListStyle.fontSize, ToDoListItem.title, ToDoListItem.completed

  • propertyChange logs each time a property is mutated '''ToDoListItem.title = Hi'''

Note that the class name (e.g. TodoListItem) is only logged when you use classes. Otherwise, it would show as Object.title = Hi


setLog(logFN : (data : string) => void)

Sets the logging function that will actually do the logging to one you provide. This allows output to go to other locations. You can also filter log entries. For example:

setLog((l) => {    if (l.match(/TodoListItem/))        console.log(l);});


function resetLogging()

Resets the log levels and the logging function